I see it time and time again

I see it time and time again. Women are allowed to be emotional, women are allowed to be in touch with their feelings. Anytime a man gets emotional he's "weak". I feel like support groups cater towards women more than men. Women are allowed to get away with so much more. Let's say a woman kissed another woman, it's supposedly "sexy", but if a man kissed another man he's a disgusting f*ggot. If a woman wants to wear a man's shirt it's okay, but if a man wore a woman's shirt once again he's a f*ggot (not that I want to wear a woman's shirt it's just something I thought about). That's not what I'm most concerned about, it just seems like woman's feelings are considered more than a man's feelings.

I'm tired of holding in my feelings all of the time. Every time I speak up (which I don't often do) about something I don't like "I'm sensitive". Like seriously...I don't get it. Most of my friends are girls and any time they are complaining about something even if it's small I listen and try to give advice. Every time I'm venting I just get uninterested "nods". It's like I'm stuck in an isolated position where women have their heart to hearts and "men" don't do that kinda stuff....and even my family never acts concerned when I'm venting. I've broken down a couple times in my life pouring out my heart about all of that stuff I'm going through and my family would just say I'm being too sensitive and then never bring it up ever again.
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Ditulis oleh: Unknown - Monday, October 7, 2013

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